Because it is such an important part of my git workflow and I always forget wrote this about 8 years ago and it was last updated about 8 years ago.
You can add shortcuts to your ~/.gitconfig file. I get sick, well not sick, but I always make typos when writing git status
or git push origin master
and other common commands.
I'd prefer things like
git s
for git status
git aa
for git add .
git c
for git commit -m
so I can git c "WIP 20160216"
So here is my list of aliases that I add to my ~/.gitconfig
I also add alias gitmod="nano ~/.gitconfig"; echo "gitmod to modify your .gitconfig"
to my .bashrc file so I can easily modify the gitconfig.
ui = true
name = jaykilleen
email =
pom = push origin master
pod = push origin develop
a = add
c = commit -m
s = status
aa = !git add -u && git add . && git status
b = branch
co = checkout
deploy = !git push origin develop && git push origin master && cap production deploy
unstage = reset HEAD --
last = log -1 HEAD
aliases = !git config --list | grep ^alias\\. | cut -c 7- | grep -Ei --color
does some magic I don't know about but just lists all the aliases you have set so that you can git aliases
into bash while you are learning your shortcuts.
If you are using Git Bash then you will need to swap nano for notepad or your favourite text editor like Atom or Sublime.
Also grep
is not available on GitBash so swap aliases
out for alias = config --get-regexp ^alias\\.
which will just list all your aliases out to the command prompt with alias.