Because the current Excel Autosave is just so bad XD wrote this almost 7 years ago and it was last updated almost 7 years ago.
Have you ever been in that situation where you've been 'in the zone' for ages and then all of a sudden Excel crashes. You're just like 'Are... you... (*&^ing.. kidding me!'. Then you have this moment where, you're thinking 'Sure Excel Autosave is going to work this time! It never works but this time it just has to.' Excel opens back up and says "We've recovered some of your files" and then shows you that the last recovered time, is just the last time you actually saved it. "Hey we recovered your file just by going into your files and opening the last time you saved it. Ain't we clever!" NO EXCEL, what the!! Really?!
Anyway, I know that is a bit of a brain dumping rant but I go through this enough to know that Excel Autosave WILL DESTROY YOUR SOUL. Maybe 1%.
And seeings as we can't use git for Excel VBA development, I finally got sick of losing code with zero notice.
To fix this I figured out how to run a job every x minutes in Excel that would simply ask the question "Jay! When did you last save? If it's too long ago, then I'm gonna prompt you to save your work. If it is AAAAGES ago then I am gonna force you to save your work!"
It is also a nice pattern on how to schedule jobs in your Excel. So you can also extend this code to do other things like 'Remind you to stand up, or take a walk or drink some water :)'. Maybe you need a job that sends an email that triggers your IFTTT that turns your office lights off at 6PM so you can go home to your family.
So below, if you copy the code in ThisWorkbook.bas to your ThisWorkbook object. Then create two new modules called Job and Functions and copy those code snippets in then things should work. They probably won't just work but they should get you started.
I've also allowed you to drop zzz
into your terminal to turn Jobs off while you are writing code, because running jobs on an increment while you are in your IDE can be a pain. So please! remember this because it is one thing to be working in Excel and having a better AutoSave feature and another to be working in VBA IDE and having a better autosave feature. This one works best for working in your Excel worksheet.
I also use OneDrive for Business to back my files up to the cloud. You might not need to use my wbLocalPath function if you normally store your file locally to begin with. This function just converts a OneDrive for Business or sharepoint url back to your local C Drive path so that the vba actually knows where the workbook is so that it can check it's last saved time.
I'll add any improvements to this code later. It needs error handling for example but for now it works enough to be better than what you get from Excel Out of the Box.
Enjoy! :D
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call Job.KillAllJobs
Call Job.TrackLastSavedAt
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)
Application.StatusBar = "Last Saved " & LastSavedTimeStamp
Call Job.KillAllJobs
Call Job.TrackLastSavedAt
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public subName As String
Public subInterval As Date
Public PauseJobs As Boolean
' You can schedule multiple jobs by passing the Call to ScheduleJob with the new name and interval
Sub zzz()
Call TurnJobsOff
End Sub
Sub TurnJobsOff()
PauseJobs = True
Debug.Print Now(); ": Jobs paused"
End Sub
Sub TurnJobsOn()
PauseJobs = False
Debug.Print Now(); ": Jobs unpaused"
'List all jobs to turn back on below.
End Sub
Sub TrackLastSavedAt()
If ActiveWorkbook.Name = "PUT YOUR WORKBOOK NAME HERE.xlsm" Then
Dim sLastSavedAt As String: sLastSavedAt = LastSavedTimeStamp
Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = DateDiff("n", sLastSavedAt, Now())
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
subName = "TrackLastSavedAt"
subInterval = Now + TimeValue("00:00:30")
If PauseJobs Then Debug.Print Now(); ": Jobs last paused"
If PauseJobs = False Then
Debug.Print Now(); ": TrackLastSaved has been run."
If minutes > 5 And minutes <= 10 Then
Application.StatusBar = sLastSavedAt & " - Last Checked At: " & Now & " - !!! This is over " & minutes & " minutes ago !!!"
ElseIf minutes > 10 And minutes <= 20 Then
Application.StatusBar = sLastSavedAt & " - Last Checked At: " & Now & " - !!! This is over " & minutes & " minutes ago !!!"
If minutes Mod 5 = 0 Then
If MsgBox("This workbook hasn't been saved in " & minutes & " minutes! Do you want to save?", vbYesNo, "Save?") = vbYes Then ThisWorkbook.Save
End If
ElseIf minutes > 20 Then
Application.StatusBar = sLastSavedAt & " - Last Checked At: " & Now & " - !!! This is over " & minutes & " minutes ago !!!"
If minutes Mod 2 = 0 Then
If MsgBox("This workbook hasn't been saved in " & minutes & " minutes! Do you want to save?", vbYesNo, "Save?") = vbYes Then ThisWorkbook.Save
End If
Application.StatusBar = sLastSavedAt & " - Last Checked At: " & Now
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
If PauseJobs = False Then Call ScheduleJob(subName, subInterval)
End Sub
' =======================================================
Sub ScheduleJob(p As String, s As Date)
If ActiveWorkbook.Name = "PUT YOUR WORKBOOK NAME HERE.xlsm" Then
Application.OnTime _
earliesttime:=s, _
procedure:=p, _
End If
End Sub
Sub KillAllJobs()
If ActiveWorkbook.Name = "PUT YOUR WORKBOOK NAME HERE.xlsm" Then
Call KillJob("TrackLastSavedAt")
Application.StatusBar = False
End If
End Sub
Sub KillJob(p As String)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime _
earliesttime:=Now, _
procedure:=p, _
End Sub
Option Explicit
Function LastSavedTimeStamp() As String
LastSavedTimeStamp = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Save Time")
' Exclude Autosave!
LastSavedTimeStamp = FileDateTime(wbLocalPath(ThisWorkbook))
End Function
Sub ShowLastSavedTimeStamp()
Dim hours As Integer: hours = DateDiff("h", LastSavedTimeStamp, Now())
Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = DateDiff("n", LastSavedTimeStamp, Now())
Dim seconds As Integer: seconds = DateDiff("s", LastSavedTimeStamp, Now())
MsgBox "This workbook was Last Saved at " & vbNewLine & LastSavedTimeStamp & " or " & hours & ":" & (minutes Mod 60) & ":" & (seconds Mod 60) & " ago"
End Sub
Function wbLocalPath(ByRef wb As Workbook) As String
Dim Ctr As Long
Dim objShell As Object
Dim UserProfilePath As String
'Check if it looks like a OneDrive location
If InStr(1, wb.FullName, "https://", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
'Replace forward slashes with back slashes
wbLocalPath = Replace(wb.FullName, "/", "\")
'Get environment path using vbscript
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
UserProfilePath = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")
'Trim OneDrive designators
For Ctr = 1 To 6
'Debug.Print wbLocalPath
wbLocalPath = Mid(wbLocalPath, InStr(wbLocalPath, "\") + 1)
'Debug.Print wbLocalPath
'Construct the name
wbLocalPath = UserProfilePath & "\OneDrive - COMPANY NAME\" & wbLocalPath
wbLocalPath = wb.FullName
End If
'Just do a quick print and check that the paths are working ok. You might need to change the `Ctr = 1 To 6` part to get the right number of '\'
'Debug.Print "This Workbook.LocalPath is:"
'Debug.Print wbLocalPath
End Function