Backup all the VBA codes to Git wrote this over 7 years ago and it was last updated over 7 years ago.
Access to the VBProject Object must be trusted in order for this code to run.
I'll update this hopefully to reference the root directory of the project file and replace the current static path. This would be a great script to implement along with some Git version control so that you can make your changes in the Excel VBA IDE and then push down to your git repo to be committed up to Github.
Option Explicit
Sub export_all_the_code()
' reference to extensibility library
Dim objMyProj As VBProject
Dim objVBComp As VBComponent
Set objMyProj = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
For Each objVBComp In objMyProj.VBComponents
If objVBComp.CodeModule.CountOfLines > 2 Then
If objVBComp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule Then
objVBComp.Export "D:\Project\vba backup\" & "latest\" & "modules\" & & ".bas"
ElseIf objVBComp.Type = vbext_ct_Document Then
objVBComp.Export "D:\Project\vba backup\" & "latest\" & "objects\" & & ".cls"
ElseIf objVBComp.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule Then
objVBComp.Export "D:\Project\vba backup\" & "latest\" & "classes\" & & ".cls"
objVBComp.Export "D:\Project\vba backup\" & "latest\" &
End If
End If
End Sub