Now you can click a metric in one of your Worksheet reports and be taken straight to the underlying data in a way that is easy to see. wrote this about 7 years ago and it was last updated about 7 years ago.
It is pretty rare to have an Excel table that you don't need to apply a whole subset of filters to in order to gain your insights.
So instead of manually clicking and selecting certain values, why not create something like a hyperlink that applies all the filters you need in one click.
This is sort of like how a web application would be written where you just click on what you want to see and then the underlying data is filter to meet those criteria. So let's get into it. I have been doing this a while but came up with these little scripts to make it faster to drop them into new workbooks or projects.
After you have taken a read and copied all this code into your VBA Modules you can create a hyperlink on a cell and name it after the name of the module. In this case I have only created one filtered macro called GoToActiveSalesforceUsers
which is going to jump over to my User
worksheet and filter the User
table by the IsActive = TRUE
and ProfileUserLicenseName = Salesforce
. It will then look at the columns I want to view and hide all other columns. My table has about 60 columns so for this simple report I only want to see a small number of the important columns.
When I head back to my main worksheet (Sheet1) all the autofilters are reset and the columns are no longer hidden.
There is also a Worksheet function that, when click the hyperlink, checks that a sub procedure exists that matches the value of the link you clicked (with 'GoTo' prepended).
Option Explicit
Function GetColumnNumber(ColumnName As String, HeaderRow As Range) As Integer
GetColumnNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColumnName, HeaderRow, 0)
End Function
Option Explicit
Global wb As Workbook
Global ws As Worksheet
Global table As ListObject
Global headers As Range
Global sThisFinancialYear As String
Global ShowColumns() As String
Sub init(ws As Worksheet)
Set table = ws.ListObjects(ws.Name)
Set headers = table.HeaderRowRange
End Sub
Sub ClearAllFilters()
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
On Error Resume Next
' Debug.Print "Resetting Worksheet - " & ws.Name
ws.Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Next ws
Debug.Print Now() & " - All Worksheet Filters have been Reset"
End Sub
Sub GoToActiveSalesforceUsers()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("User")
Call init(ws)
With table.Range
.AutoFilter Field:=GetColumnNumber("IsActive", headers), Criteria1:="FALSE"
.AutoFilter Field:=GetColumnNumber("ProfileUserLicenseName", headers), Criteria1:="Salesforce"
End With
ws.Cells(1, 1).Select
Call TableFieldsAndSort.DefaultUser(ws, table)
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub OnlyShowColumns(wsName As String, Columns As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Columns) To UBound(Columns)
If Columns(i) <> "" Then
Range(wsName & "[[#Headers],[" & Columns(i) & "]]").Select
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Sort(wsName As String, Field As String, Optional Descending As Boolean)
' xlAscending and xlDescending are constants of 1 and 2
Dim Order As Integer: Order = 1: If Descending Then Order = 2
With table.Sort
.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(ws.Name & "[[#All],[" & Field & "]]"), Order:=Order
End With
End Sub
Sub DefaultUser(ws As Worksheet, table As ListObject)
ws.Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
ShowColumns = Split("" & _
"Id," & _
"CreatedDate," & _
"Name," & _
"IsActive," & _
"ProfileUserLicenseName," & _
"," & _
"," & _
"," & _
"" _
, ",")
Call OnlyShowColumns(ws.Name, ShowColumns)
Call Sort(ws.Name, "Email")
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Call TableFilters.ClearAllFilters
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim sProcName As String: sProcName = "GoTo" & Replace(Target.Range.Value2, " ", "")
If checkProcName(ThisWorkbook, "TableFilters", sProcName) Then
Application.Run "TableFilters" & "." & "GoTo" & Replace(Target.Range.Value2, " ", "")
MsgBox "Filter definition not found"
End If
End Sub
Function checkProcName(wBook As Workbook, sModuleName As String, sProcName As String) As Boolean
' ===========================================================================
' Found on at
' then modified
' to check if a procedure exists, call 'checkProcName' passing
' in the target workbook (which should be open), the Module,
' and the procedure name
' ===========================================================================
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim LineNum As Integer
Dim ProcName As String
Dim ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
checkProcName = False
Set VBProj = wBook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(sModuleName)
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
ProcName = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
If ProcName = sProcName Then
checkProcName = True
Exit Do
End If
Debug.Print ProcName
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(ProcName, ProcKind) + .ProcCountLines(ProcName, ProcKind) + 1
End With
End Function
Function ProcKindString(ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind) As String
Select Case ProcKind
Case vbext_pk_Get
ProcKindString = "Property Get"
Case vbext_pk_Let
ProcKindString = "Property Let"
Case vbext_pk_Set
ProcKindString = "Property Set"
Case vbext_pk_Proc
ProcKindString = "Sub Or Function"
Case Else
ProcKindString = "Unknown Type: " & CStr(ProcKind)
End Select
End Function