Center Aligned Pagination in Rails using Bootstrap 4 and Kiminari

Pagination looks nice when it is centered below a table. Here is how I got it to work. wrote this almost 7 years ago and it was last updated almost 7 years ago.

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Working on a Rails 5 app and all I wanted was my Bootstrap themed pagination using Kaminari to be center aligned. Deep breathe. Sometimes this stuff just doesn't come easy when you Google it but when you read the docs it happens. Remember to read the docs :)

This uses the Bootstrap4 Kaminari Views Gem.

<div class="container pagination justify-content-center" >
  <%= paginate @users, theme: 'twitter-bootstrap-4', pagination_class: "pagination-sm" %>
  gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.0.0.alpha6'
  gem 'bootstrap_form'
  gem 'bootstrap4-kaminari-views'
  gem 'kaminari'