Hello World

Hello World

me@jaykilleen.com wrote this about 8 years ago and it was last updated about 8 years ago.

← Back to the Posts

I am finally off Wordpress and onto my own blog developed using Ruby on Rails.

I feel good :)

So far I have:

  1. Markdown in my posts using html-pipeline
  2. Syntax Highlighting using the Rouge html-pipeline plugin
  3. Github Flavoured Markdown tables (great for posts about Excel) after sourcing some css
  4. ActsAsTaggable for tagging
  5. Basic search functionality using Ransack
  6. Emoji support The :house: ... The :house: .... The :house: is on :fire:
  7. Disqus for commenting

Back to playing some :rocket: :soccer:

  def hello
    puts "Hello World"

Command Description
git status List all new or modified files
git diff Show file differences that haven't been staged