WHY??? It's your home! Go to your home!!
me@jaykilleen.com wrote this about 6 years ago and it was last updated about 6 years ago.
Here is a series of commands/thoughts/hates I went through when debugging WHY on earth rails could not connect to Postgresql. I thought I had a fresh install and everything.
In the end... the issue was postgresql was running on port 5433 instead of 5432. 33 Is my lucky number so something tells me I made this change for some stupid reason. That reason could have been because I stupidly had postgres running on both windows and the windows subsystem for linux and both trying to accept traffic on localhost:5432.
I ended up deleting postgres on Windows. Sticking with the one on ubuntu in the WSL.
It took about an hour to nail down the issue... which sucks when you are on a deadline.
pg_hba.conf can be set to trust on all connections to bypass requiring a password at all. Ok when on a dev/test machine. NOT ok in production lol!
sudo service postgresql restart
restarts the postgresql server
sudo -u postgres psql
signs into psql as the default postgres user
lists the database tables from within psql
lists the databases installed from within psql
lists all the users. Check for super user. Run from with psql
quit psql XD
SELECT versions()
prints the postgresql version from within psql
prints the connection and port that the postgresql service is running on. Run from psql.
ps -fHC postgres
prints all the postgres jobs and the file locations etc. Run from terminal
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf
where you go to change the port. Run from terminal.
sudo -u postgres psql -c "SHOW data_directory";
show the data directory. Like command above.
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
set permissions etc to trust, peer or md5. Run from terminal.