[SOLVED] Today's Date in Power Query M

Just copy `Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow())` <= this if you don't even want to visit my website XD

me@jaykilleen.com wrote this almost 5 years ago and it was last updated almost 5 years ago.

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This is my 'go to' m query to return today's date in Power Query.

Note: Just use DateTime.LocalNow() if you want today's date as date time in power query using m.


If you just want today's date, like 4/06/2020 then Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) should do the job.

It is a very ugly formula though, and I usually use this in a blank query that I then call today.

This then allows you drop into filters and other things this each [valid_from] <= today) instead of this each [valid_from] <= #date(2020, 6, 4)) or this each [valid_from] <= Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()).

That is a long way of telling you how to return today's date using m. I am just bumbling on now in some hope that this can cut through the google verse and make its way to you quickly, just in time for when you need it most :)
